by rndom/kosmoplovci

nakon nastupa na drip specijalu 1.6.2024. gde sam prvi put javno prezentovao moj potpuno novi opus drum’n’bass muzike na kojoj sam radio i radim u poslednjih godinu dana, odlucio sam da objavim jednu od tih novih traka u punom open-source modu, kao 90tih kad smo delili xm/it/octamed module, i da pozovem svakoga ko zeli da napravi i posalje svoju verziju / remix, u bilo kom zanru ili stilu koji vam se svidja da pokupi materijale i posalje nam svoj rad zasnovan na njima. prednost dajem jugoslovenskom/balkanskom regionu, prvenstveno zato sto zelim da pozovem lokalne/regionalne autore kojih ima dosta ali slabo imaju priliku da se cuju, ali to ne znaci da necemo primati i radove drugih, tako da slobodno saljite i sirite, gde god se nalazite.

traka koju objavljujem zove se RENEW, i inspirisana je filmom Loganov beg (Logan’s Run), SF klasikom iz 1976. godine, ciji deo je posluzio i kao video. ko nije gledao ovaj film toplo ga preporucujem ne biste li bolje razumeli o cemu se tu zapravo radi.

sem videa i rendera dosadasnjih verzija, remix pack sadrzi i kompletan ableton live 10.1 projekat kao i eksportovane pojedinacne kanale.
materijale mozete pokupiti sa naseg nextcloud-a ovde:

svoje uradke saljite na ili na neki od discord servera koji podrzavaju ovaj projekat:


svi remiksi koje dobijemo bice uzeti u obzir za zajednicko izdanje.
saznajte tacno sta, kako i kad prateci nase sajtove i kanale:

o.u.r. spektrum
kosmoplovci twitch
srecan rodjendan Nikola Tesla!

short summary in english:
i am releasing a track with full project and channel renders, and calling anyone to download and send remix in any genre or style, to be included on a forthcoming joint release. further information can be found on provided links and direct contacts. enjoy.

Nova, originalna sonična muzika koja spaja elektronske ritmove i gitarske rifove je u srži albuma PESMA KOJA LOMI LANCE.

Pred vama je album koji lomi lance, angažovan i koji se bavi temama kojim retki mogu da pogledaju u oči.

PESMA KOJA LOMI LANCE je drugi po redu album dvojca Rndom i Setanta, koji spaja u sebi uticaje daba, dabstepa, regea, bluza, alternativnog roka, dram end bejsa, tehna i eksperimentalne elektronike, i predstavlja logičan nastavak priče koja je započeta na albumu ZEMLJA ZA DINAR.

Muzička odiseja i borba se nastavljaju.

Snimljeno u Beogradu u periodu od 2020. do 2023. godine.

Tekstovi, vokali, instrumenti: Setanta
Muzika, miks, master: Rndom
Ilustracije: Septic i Profesor

Kapitalne investicije
Zloyeb napolje
Strah dolazi
Tajna policija
Sve je u redu

Oktobar 2023

Covenant: Project Zero Soundtrack

Covenant: Project Zero Soundtrack is an official companion to the Covenant: Project Zero game which is now available on Steam for Windows and Mac platforms.

some of kosmoplovci current and ex members worked on this game, and most prominently, made this soundtrack which we are now proud to share. Djordjevic brothers, Igor and Aleksandar, members of our old LO-TEK KINGS music project, worked together on this, with Aleksandar setting up the initial mood with his theme opening the album, and then Igor taking over to create all different themes that ended up being part of the game, while Aleksandar worked on other aspects of the game, as a game creator and visual artist.

this soundtrack contains all music used in the game, freshly composed by our veteran artists for this particular project, as well as three bonus tracks with versions and remixes. it spans through multiple genres, bringing out all sort of moods, ranging from ambient to action, reflecting different kind of situations you may encounter in the game, but also contributing to game’s overall experience and world building.

we hope you will like and support our work, as we are much proud of it. check the game’s Steam Store page where you can get more information and also download a FREE DEMO of the game:

you can also check CPZ Release Trailer for the game on youtube:


track 1 composed by Aleksandar Djordjevic
tracks 2-17 composed by Igor Djordjevic
all tracks mixed and mastered by Igor Djordjevic
artwork by Aleksandar Djordjevic


eksperimentalna, vanžanrovska, inovativna muzička fuzija sa hrabrim angažovanim tekstovima ono je što izdvaja i definiše AFTERPARTY, beogradski dvojac koji čine rndom i setanta, veterani domaće autorske muzičke, vizuelne i aktivističke scene.

nastao u međuprostoru svega što slušaju i vole, ZEMLJA ZA DINAR je rezultat predanog i posvećenog rada i otpora neo-robovlasničkom sistemu koji pokušava da nas samelje i pretvori u moderne robove na usluzi korporacijama i njihovim vlasnicima.

uskoro uživo i u vašem gradu.

u saradnji sa kolegama filmskim i video umetnicima do sada je napravljeno pet video spota, a radi se na još.

samo jos malo:
new age filozofija:
koska do koske (instrumental):
paranoja afterparty:


muzika, tekstovi, aranžmani i dizajn: rndom i setanta
fotografija: aleksandar opačić /
video: marko nikolić, night knight, vuk bogdanović, stefan sladić, rndom
snimljeno u amadan i kosmoplovci studijima 2019. godine


in 2002, a year after LO-TEK KINGS LEGACY 1 was made, our music evolved and we wanted to do a fresh take on our promo CD, to present our new music directions but also our improved production which evolved from trackers to modular synthesis and realtime fx. we started using Buzz as our base music creation tool, which allowed us to combine samples, synthesizers and realtime fx in a ways previously not possible.

our membership has also changed a bit, because paranoid already left for finland and wasn’t able to contribute, so more space was given to contributions by dzho, speaker for the dead (dominator’s ambient/experimental alter-ego) and zchbicky/extravaganja, who colaborated and worked with us during early 2000s.

so, we have produced another CD sampler, or promo CD, which showcased our new stuff and sound. our music workflow was now allowing us to routinely produce and render stuff digitally, new tools for mastering were being discovered and used in addition to vst and daw, and new analogue simulation software like t-racks, one of the first successful analogue tube amplifier simulation that was used for mastering.

so, while compiling this second part of our LTK LEGACY series, we ended up with 13 tracks, mostly new ones compared to first edition, but with few LTK ‘classics’ that we didn’t want to miss, but most of them updated with new production, or recorded on live performances, with only few being respected as good-as-it-were. as a special bonus, we have included the latest remaster and slight dj-friendly remake of mindshit, freshly made in 2018.

the tracklist of this release, with complete credits is as follows:

01 aborigines, produced by speaker for the dead, 4:55

02 delete, produced by dominator, 5:45

03 bruce lee revence, produced by dominator, 6:53

04 sada dobro znam (live), produced by dzho, lyrics and vocals by ninja, additional music by dvojac bez kormilara (coxless pair), 4:35

05 severe brain damage, produced by dominator, 4:39

06 mindshit (2018 remaster), produced by dominator, vocal sample by marcus garvey / corrosion, 4:05

07 low, produced by dominator, 7:55

08 smisao21 (2002 remaster), produced by dominator, 5:11

09 zaeban policaec, produced by dominator, 5:45

10 congrats (live at mkc maribor, september 2000), produced by dominator, lyrics and vocals by ninja, additional production by zchbicky, 5:10

11 disoriented forces, produced by dzho, with additional work by dominator, 5:31

12 mendes, produced by dzho, 6:34

13 filterhop, produced by speaker for the dead, 6:21

mastering and postproduction on all tracks by dominator

tracks 5, 6 and 10 were created on Amiga, in OctaMED Soundstudio and DigiBooster.

tracks 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13 were created on PC, in Buzz modular synthesis software.

tracks 4 and 12 were created in PC, in Impulse Tracker.

mastering and postproduction was made on PC, using vegas, sound forge, various vst plugins and T-Racks 2.


addtional information for some tracks:

track 4 (sada dobro znam – live) was performed live on our concert with dvojac bez kormilara (a.k.a. coxless pair) at skc on december 2nd 2001. main music was produced by dzho, lyrics and vocals were written and performed by ninja a.k.a. Aleksandar Djordjevic, additional live music performance was made by Dusan Petrovic on saxophone, Boris Mladenovic on guitar and Sonja Loncar on analogue synth. some of their music (dvojac bez kormilara) can be found here:

track 7 (mindshit 2018 remaster) – was first released on dominator’s ‘i think, therefore i suffer’ lp (in 1997), updated and additionally postproduced version was released in 2001 and is now available on LTK LEGACY 1, and on this release we have included latest, fully remastered and mixed, with slitght ‘dj-friendly’ corrections, which was made in 2018. older version are avalable on following releases:

track 10 (congrats – live) was recorded live during our stay in MKC Maribor, during Hexpo festival in august/september 2000. additional postproduction was done by zchbicky/extravaganja, who was temporary part of our crew at the event. original track (without vocals) was used in serbian hit movie ‘Munje!’ (a.k.a. ‘Dudes’).

track 13 (filterhop) is actually a remix of zchbicky’s unreleased contribution to lo-tek kings, internally known as antiope2, named after some weird buzz fx plugin. it may appear somewhere out of our hard disks someday 😉


some of these tracks circulated through dj underground and some local music charts. some of them – like mindshit – were so popular that ended up on vynil dubplates for personal use by codex dj’s, and stomped more than a few dancefloors.

this anthology selection is here to bring more light on our highly popular and succesfull club oriented project LO-TEK KINGS, which was created in the 1999 as a continuation of what dominator was already doing for some years, but with more musicians who gathered and their work developed and evolved under corrosion music support and organization – beside dominator (a.k.a. domin8r), official members of the group were ninja (a.k.a. alex, asarhad and swemiratz), paranoid (a.k.a. paran0id), dzho (a.k.a. jocko) and zchbicky (a.k.a. extravaganja) and it presented wide range of our dancefloor oriented work, which mostly dwelled through the genres of drum and bass, jungle, breakbeat, triphop, and sometimes even hardcore and industrial techno.

LO-TEK KINGS music was performed live in clubs and concerts on at least 16 official occasions, and 13 more if we count previous performance under dominator name. on each of it’s live perfomances, LTK added a layer of original lyrics, videos and live perfomances by ninja, paranoid and dzho, while dominator was mostly taking care of music selection, live mix and production. this release features two pieces which were recorded from live performances, so you have a chance to catch a glimpse of how LTK sounded live – a rare insight since not much of it was ever recorded, because of lack of technical possibilites to do so during those years.

it is also worth noting that LTK perfomances included lots of custom and work-in-progress material, and it was part of the larger movement that worked on support and establishing local electronic and drum and bass scene in the early 2000’s, by pushing not only it’s work but also other local artists, including dj’s like phase and toxic of codex fame, who moved on to continue building local underground drum and bass scene.

in following years, LTK members were separated by life difficulties to survive in Serbia with their work, but also were pushed away by prevalence of dj performances over live acts. paranoid went on to live in finland, ninja went on to live in US, and dzho moved on to his movie director career. even zchbicky, our new member, was in the group less than year before he also moved abroad. so dominator, the only remaining active music member didn’t want to use the name and continued to pursue his work under his new projects and names like speaker for the dead, kosmoplovci, kdes and others. however, in the recent years, the need for LTK ideals to rise up once again are plenty, so for a time being, we have decided to remind you of our work, and when the time comes, to get back on the stage as well. stay tuned for more!

official page for lo-tek kings is permanently archived in archive where it tries to provide complete information on it’s work, including it’s members solo projects.

LTK official url is or  

this unofficial lo-tek kings album was originally created in 2001 to present our work to dj’s, promoters and publishers, a way to introduce them to our work at the time when we were unable to publish and distribute a ‘proper’ release, which unfortunatelly never happened due to fucked up circumstances of local (serbian) music scene and it’s labels.

music was produced in CD quality and was available both as CDDA-audio and MC-audio tape, recorded and multiplied on CDr and MC at our own DIY resources.

it contains 10 tracks, mostly never released before, with some exceptions that were part of our other releases, but remastered for this one.

– track 1 – wandering – was previously released on hardcorrosion ‘brain damage’ lp, but in different version.

– track 6 – congratz – ended up in serbian hit movie ‘Munje!’

– track 7 – mindshit – was previosly released on dominator’s ‘i think, therefore i suffer’ lp, version on this album is remastered in 2001.

– track 8 – n2o extended a.k.a. vratolom – has become part of our later released n2o ep – our only ‘official’ lo-tek kings release until now, featuring versions and guest remixes of our original track n2o, inspired by the ps2 game.
another version of this track was also used in short-movie called ‘road to hell’ made by low-fi video group called ‘kadar’ a.k.a. ‘mladi kadrovi’

some of other tracks circulated through dj underground and some local music charts. some of them – like mindshit – were so popular that ended up on vynil dubplates for personal use by codex dj’s, and stomped more than few dancefloors.

last track on this album – stabbing spears – was created intentionally in the form of 15 minute long minimix, presenting wide range of styles that LTK was known and respected for.

all in all, this anthology selection is here to bring some light on our highly popular and succesfull club oriented project LO-TEK KINGS, which was created in the 1999 as a continuation of what dominator was already doing for some years, but with more musicians who gathered and their work developed and evolved under corrosion music support and organization – beside dominator (a.k.a. domin8r), official members of the group were ninja (a.k.a. alex, asarhad and swemiratz), paranoid (a.k.a. paran0id) and dzho (a.k.a. jocko) and it presented wide range of our dancefloor oriented work, which mostly dwelled through the genres of drum and bass, jungle, breakbeat, triphop, and sometimes even hardcore and industrial techno.

LO-TEK KINGS music was performed live in clubs and concerts on at least 16 official occasions, and 13 more if we count previous performance under dominator name. on each of it’s live perfomances, LTK added a layer of original lyrics, videos and live perfomances by ninja, paranoid and dzho, while dominator was mostly taking care of music selection and production. it is also worth noting that LTK perfomances included lots of custom and work-in-progress material, and it was part of the larger movement that worked on support and establishing local drum and bass scene in the early 2000’s, by pushing not only it’s work but also other local artists, including dj’s like phase and toxic of codex fame, who moved on to continue building local underground drum and bass scene.

in later years, LTK members were separated by life difficulties to survive in Serbia with their work, but also were pushed away by prevalence of dj performances over live acts. paranoid went on to live in finland, ninja went on to live in US, and dzho moved on to his movie director career, so dominator, the only remaining active music member didn’t want to use the name and continued to pursue his work under his new projects and names like speaker for the dead, kosmoplovci, kdes and others. however, in the recent years, the need for LTK ideals to rise up once again are plenty, so for a time being, we have decided to remind you of our work, and when the time comes, to get back on the stage as well. stay tuned for more!

tracklist of this release, with complete credits is as follows:

01 wandering (ltk version), produced by dominator, 3:53
02 drugstore, produced by dominator, 3:59
03 they eat people, produced by ninja, 4:35
04 smisao21, produced by dominator, 5:12
05 zaeban policaec, produced by dominator, 5:59
06 congratz, produced by dominator, 5:10
07 mindshit (2001 remaster), produced by dominator, 4:04
08 n2o extended (vratolom), produced by paranoid and dominator, 11:16
09 jeez, produced by dominator, 3:42
10 stabbing spears, produced by paranoid and dominator, 14:56

mastering and postproduction on all tracks by dominator

all music was created on Amiga, in octamed soundstudio and digibooster.
mastering and postproduction was made on pc, using vegas, sound forge and various vst plugins.

official page for lo-tek kings is permanently archived in archive where it tries to provide complete information on it’s work, including it’s members solo projects.

LTK official url is or kolekcija domace autorske produkcije integrisana u O.U.R. Spektrum

Sadržaj web sajta Altarchive koji je krajem 2000tih radio na prikupljanju, digitalizaciji i očuvanju Low-Fi Video produkcije i festivala nastalih tokom 90tih godina integrisan je u O.U.R. Spektrum platformu, što ju je obogatilo za oko 120 autorskih radova iz oblasti kratkog, animiranog i eksperimentalnog filma.

Sem listanjem po arhivi, do ovih radova možete doći i koristeći tagove pri dnu sajta, a neki od tagova / autora obogaćenih ovim importom su: low-fimedijska arheologijajfjfcorrosionkosmoplovci.


Artist: ps
Album: futuradio 090905

Label: floatingjoint / kosmoplovci
Catalog Nr.: KOOI0028
Format: MP3
Released: 13/04/2010

An half hour mix of old and new material by ps, done exclusively for the Future Radio program of the Future Places 2009 festival in Porto, which ended up not airing for some unknown reason.

01 – psmac_001_090120 (00:00)
02 – psmac_015c_090314 (00:00)
03 – psmac_011_081202 (01:27)
04 – psmac_015d_090526 (02:26)
05 – psmac_012_090113 (04:12)
06 – psmac_012_090113_2 (05:00)
07 – psmac_014_090310 (05:00)
08 – 352_080301 (06:36)
09 – psmac_012_090113_2 (07:32)
10 – psmac_014_090125 (13:57)
11 – psmac_010_081004 (14:02)
12 – asio005_090812 (20:46)
13 – psmac_015c_090314 (21:03)
14 – 346_080609 (26:48)


Artist: Faktor & Vektor
Album: Feedback

Label: floatingjoint / kosmoplovci
Catalog Nr.: KOOI0027
Format: MP3
Released: 13/12/2009

1. lava (7:25)
2. cunami (5:58)

feedback ep consists of two rather unusual tracks, different in their appearance, but quite similar in their structure and creative process that involved manual realtime tuning of it’s resonance frequencies in the feedback loop, to the point where it’s own audio output was moved into the area of ‘microphony’ frequences, which were then guided to form their own layers of tone and melody, by the means of active live manipulation of sound sources and their flows.

by achieving this state of ‘controlled chaos’, both of the tracks are completelly made free from it’s sequencing and let alone to roam, while still keeping it as a whole in the area of comprehensive music, rather than pure uncontrolled noise. the result is completelly genuine artificially generated music that is strikingly organic, although it is completelly made out of vapour in the artificial digital-analogue process.

both tracks are the original live recordings, not in any way modified from their original form. source sounds are our own drum recordings.

the names are chosen in respect to their general feel, as how could those extreme states of nature sound, if we could exist in their vicinity at all.


faktor & vektor is a collaboration project of dominator and trut, belgrade based computer+drums duo producing experimental music ranging from drum and bass, jungle and techno all the way to abstract ambient. it is founded in 2005 and to this date have no official releases, although their music is already featured in some movies and tv series, and also in public on various events ranging from dnb to abstract noize, performed and remixed by phase, codex, dominator, kdes and kosmoplovci.

dominator is active in music scene since 1993, producing all kinds of electronic music under various names. he is also a wide known demoscene, music and art activist, being the main person behind corrosion and kosmoplovci groups, involved in numerous projects as music, video, design and programming artist.

trut is best known as being a long time collaborator with serbian musician rambo amadeus, following him and supporting with live drums for most of his carreer, starting back in 1988. he is a bit less known for being a huge music activist, especially supporting and spreading jungle and drum’n’bass scene starting from the early days, but also having an open ear for the experimental side of electronic music. his drumming skills are exceptional and he is widely respected as being one of the best serbian drummers (if not THE best…) but he is also quite open-minded and interested in collaborations that can bring him to situations to develop and create new sounds and ideas by merging best of both analog and digital worlds.

this was the point where dominator and trut met and understood each other, and started to make music together as faktor & vektor.

this is faktor & vektor second public release.


Artist: Faktor & Vektor
Album: Dolaze Teska Vremena

Label: floatingjoint / kosmoplovci
Catalog Nr.: KOOI0026
Format: MP3
Released: 23/08/2009

1. We Have Arrived (6:48)
2. Električna Žaba, Poluproizvod (5:26)
3. Vektor (5:59)
4. Dolaze Teška Vremena (Ambient) (4:38)
5. Osiromašeni Uranijum (5:56)

faktor & vektor is a collaboration project of dominator and trut, belgrade based computer+drums duo producing experimental music ranging from drum and bass, jungle and techno all the way to abstract ambient. it is founded in 2005 and to this date have no official releases, although their music is already featured in some movies and tv series, and also in public on various events ranging from dnb to abstract noize, performed and remixed by phase, codex, dominator, kdes and kosmoplovci.

dominator is active in music scene since 1993, producing all kinds of electronic music under various names. he is also a wide known demoscene, music and art activist, being the main person behind corrosion and kosmoplovci groups, involved in numerous projects as music, video, design and programming artist.

trut is best known as being a long time collaborator with serbian musician rambo amadeus, following him and supporting with live drums for most of his carreer, starting back in 1988. he is a bit less known for being a huge music activist, especially supporting and spreading jungle and drum’n’bass scene starting from the early days, but also having an open ear for the experimental side of electronic music. his drumming skills are exceptional and he is widely respected as being one of the best serbian drummers (if not THE best…) but he is also quite open-minded and interested in collaborations that can bring him to situations to develop and create new sounds and ideas by merging best of both analog and digital worlds. this was the point where dominator and trut met and understood each other, and started to make music together as faktor & vektor.

the name of the album ‘dolaze teska vremena’ means ‘hard times are coming’, it is not a prophecy it is a fact. however, as dark as it may be, the truth will be ultimatelly be found by brave warriors.

faktor & vektor are doing their part in the continuum.

this is faktor & vektor first public release.

this album was first released on torrentech netlabel as TT015